Students are encouraged to undertake homework as, we at Craigslea State School believe, it contributes to their success as a learner. Homework is dependent on the school and home expecting and supporting the child to take some ownership of their learning.
At Craigslea SS, we recognise the value of the link between home and school for students' development. In this way, we acknowledge that:
parents are partners in the education of their children;
it affords parents the opportunity to be familiar with the learning that is occurring and how their child is progressing;
homework allows students to develop a sense of responsibility and achievement and independent study skills as they move through the middle years of schooling.
Teachers prepare homework for students to consolidate learning that has been explicitly taught, prepare them for future learning or to challenge a student's thinking. Homework tasks are offered on a weekly or fortnightly basis for children in all year levels from Prep - Year 6. Completion of homework is recommended. Homework tasks will not be used for assessment or reporting purposes.
Timeframes to complete the homework are important.
Completion will span a weekend.
Reading (either shared with the parent or independent) is done nightly across all year levels in addition to the maximum allocations below.
Prep - Yr 2: 10 - 20 minutes on average per night
Yrs 3 - 6: 20 - 30 minutes on average per night
Teachers will:
provide home tasks that are purposeful and achievable based on what has been, or will be the focus of learning in the classroom.
clearly communicate the expectations by providing a prompt/example to guide parents in the correct procedure.
advise parents and students when homework is due.
ensure homework is marked.
Parents will:
be available to assist your child and communicate with the classroom teacher any concerns they have.
bear in mind the face that homework is not meant to create additional stress at home.
advise the teacher in writing or via a phone call, by the due date, if homework is not completed.
support homework by establishing a routine and ensuring the child has opportunities to complete it in time.
Students will:
be a learner and undertake homework as a component of their education.
take ownership of the homework as it will be set at their level of achievement.
be responsible for having it at school by the due date.
access digital learning programs where available and appropriate.